Heavy-duty large volume storage tanks. Model UGV custom built. Large volume tanks are designed for storing potable water.
- Sizes from 120 to 4,000 gallons. All tanks are constructed to the requirements of the ASME Code. These ASME Code tanks are available at 125 &150 PSI working pressure. Consult factory for tanks with special configurations.
- Lining & coatings. Each lining and coating has particular capabilities and limitations. Thorough investigation on the service life of steel tanks with protective coatings or linings has led to the recommendation of the following linings:
- Glass Lined — All internal surfaces exposed to water are glass lined per ASME HLW Code procedures.
- Cement Lined — Cement lining consists of a specially formulated cement applied over the interior of the vessel. Cement-lined tanks are recommended when storing water at 180°F or higher.
- Epoxy Lined — The application of specially formulated epoxy makes this lining suitable for cold or hot water storage.
- Please consult the factory for recommendations on the uses of linings for specific applications. All tanks receive one prime coat of paint on external surface. Contact your local State representative for severe or unusual applications that may require other materials.
- Glass-lined and epoxy tanks are furnished with anodes designed for maximum protection.
- Custom tank openings. All tanks will be supplied with the fittings located as indicated on the drawings, unless specified otherwise. Custom tank opening sizes and locations can be provided as per your specification.

Storage Volume Gallons: | 118 – 3.807 |
Limited Tank Warranty: | 5 Years |
Water Connection Location: | Depends on model |
ASME storage tank to be State Custom-Line model ______________. Capacity to be ___________ gallons with a diameter of _______ inches. Tank(s) shall be constructed and stamped according to ASME specifications for __________psi working pressure. Manhole (12”x16”), handhole (4×6) or inspection openings (2-2˝) shall be installed in accordance with ASME code requirements and manufacturer(s) standard practice. Tank to be constructed of carbon steel _________. Lining shall be (glass, epoxy, cement) ______________. Tank(s) lined with (glass, cement, epoxy) _____________lining shall be equipped with the number and size of anode rod(s) sufficient to provide adequate protection for the tank lining. Tank shall be (vertical, horizontal) _______________ design and provided with (four) _____________ ring base, ___________ saddles.